Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How do I bandage my toe while waiting for a new nail to grow in?

Recently my right big toe nail detached itself from the nail bed and is slowly falling off. How do I keep good care of the skin in the nail bed so I can assure that the toe nail grows back in as healthy as ever?How do I bandage my toe while waiting for a new nail to grow in?
Wrap a bandaid around the toe or take a guaze and put tape aroud it. To prevent infection you can use triple antibiotic ointment on it. Change the bandage 1-2x a day.How do I bandage my toe while waiting for a new nail to grow in?
Try using a finger bandage and see if that will fit. Also you can cut a hole in your shoe if it hurts to wear them
Get one of those thick tan bandges and wrap it sevral times around your toe. than wear Tevas or Crocs until your toenail grows back. also, when your toenail starts to grow, change the bandge every 3 days or so.

Good Luck!

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