Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How do I get rid of ingrown toe nail when you can't get to the part that is ingrown?

Both my big toes have ingrown nails and the nail already goes pretty far into my toe even when it's not ingrown so I can't even get close to the ingrown part. Hydrogen proxcyde dosen't seem to be helping with the infectoin. My mother and brother have had the same thing happen just not as bad and were able to get rid of it over a few years but nothing seems to work for me.How do I get rid of ingrown toe nail when you can't get to the part that is ingrown?
soak in hot water and epsom salts. Gently push the skin away from the toe. Do this continually to ease the pressure.

You can buy solution at the pharmacy to dissolve the embedded nail.How do I get rid of ingrown toe nail when you can't get to the part that is ingrown?
You need to see a podiatrist to get this cleared up. It should not take years to get rid of an ingrown toenail. Ingrown toenails can be taken care of by the podiatrist in one or two visits.
go to a foot doctor
That's going to take a trip to the podiatrist. You shouldn't try to remove it yourself. Plus, now that is infected, your going to need some antibiotics, before it become worse. Sometimes there is out patient office procedure that can be done to alleviate the pain. Go before you lose the nail.
well if you are dealing with an ingrown toe nail then all you have to do is cut the nail short then give it a week and it will eventually fall out. Hope that helps!!
Cut the nail as far in as you can get it and fish the ingrown out with a pair of sterilized tweezers. If you can get that part out, the infection will probably come out too.Use some Anbesol on it to numb it before you go fishing!! Good luck!
Put a piece of a cotton ball under the ingrown part and let it grow out a little, then grab it with tweezers and yank that sucker out, at least thats what I do, and I have done it quite a few times.
in the middle of the nail make a small cut. It will take some of the pressure off the ingrown part and make it easier to eradicate the painful thing. Then soak the feet and hopefully more will come out.
You will probably need to go to a doctor. They perform surgery to remove the nail and give you oral antibiotics to fix the infection. Otherwise get yourself an exacto knife and start digging :)
Sounds like you need to go to the doctor,they will cut it out for you...
Well, in the future, cut your toenails differently -- I have the same problem. Cut your toenails straight across the toe, instead of cutting downwards towards the foot. I know, it's tempting.

Generally after several days the nail will grow up a little bit, and you can pry the ingrown nail out with a tweezers or a clippers (but be careful, it will hurt, and it might bleed a little.) Be sure to clean up your foot after to tend to an ingrown toenail that bleeds.
you have to really go in the skin it will hurt, but that is the only way to get a ingrown toe nail out, i know i had it.
Well, you should leave it alone for a day. I know it will hurt, but it will be easier to get out. Also, try not to cut too deep because it results in ingrowns. You would gte surgery if you do that to much.
Get to a podiatrist. The more you mess with the toe yourself the worse that it will get. I made that mistake. You may need what is called a partial nail avulsion to prevent the nail from becoming ingrown again. The procedure is quick and relatively painless. I had this done on my left big toe about two years ago and have not had a problem since.
everyone will have a fit about this but this is what my bro does........put ambelsol on your toe to numb it then dig it out with tweezers
You should go see a podiatrist.
Thats disgusting! How am I supposed to each my mushroom soup tonight?
Get a padicure, that works! They will help you.

Or, go to your local GP!

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