Sunday, February 7, 2010

How do you get an ingrown toe nail to change it's direction of growth without having to go to the doctor?

Without going to a doctor, how can you change the growth direction of an ingrown big toenail?How do you get an ingrown toe nail to change it's direction of growth without having to go to the doctor?
If you are a woman, you try to listen to it, see what is going on deep inside, see what motivates it, what it's hopes and dreams are, what makes it tick, what it's needs are. Be there for it, give up your time for it, and hope that it will thrive and grow for the better in that warm nurturing environment you two have created together.

If you're a man, you try to cut the skin as carefully as possible and see if you can get underneath where it's trying to grow into the skin and cut it back.

Otherwise just let a doctor do it, it will cost less to take care of it up front than to have a doctor fix a mess later.How do you get an ingrown toe nail to change it's direction of growth without having to go to the doctor?
you have to cut it so thet it does not go in to the toe i use a sharp hobby knife for mine but be carefull and work on it slowly or you can cut youself.

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