Sunday, February 7, 2010

How long does it take for an ingrown nail to heal completely?

Exactly, three weeks ago I got an ingrown toenail cut out. My doctor told me the nail should grow above the skin now. It looks healed, but I still feel a little pain when i push on the side of my toenail. Is this normal or might my nail be growing back wrong?How long does it take for an ingrown nail to heal completely?
Some of it depends on how old you are, that is, how fast you heal.

I had surgery for an ingrown when I was about 25, and it took a month to heal. The doctor told me to soak it in Clorox for a few minutes each day, which seemed extreme, but I have to admit, it never got infected.

If it looks like it's getting infected, time to check back with the doctor, but if it's just a little tender, give it a couple more weeks.How long does it take for an ingrown nail to heal completely?
If it reddish and getting redder by the day , you need to go back to the doctor. When you poke your toe on the side and you feel pain that means that the toenail is growing back under the skin. Or the doctor did a real shitty job.

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